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Top 7 Tools: How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur Having Nothing

The idea of being your own boss, making decisions, and achieving your ambitious financial goals looks amazing, so if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you’re not alone. Although running your own business indeed offers countless benefits, it’s not an easy task. The most difficult part is starting out, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience and your resources are limited.

As much as 90% of startups fail so you should have a perfect plan and be able to quickly react to any unforeseen difficulties. Besides, a lot of responsibility can lead to a lot of stress. Entrepreneurs suffer from anxiety more often than other people because they need to take risks and make difficult decisions. Entrepreneurship can be extremely challenging but it doesn’t mean that you should give up and stop pursuing your dream. In this article, we’re going to consider some of the best tools and tips for entrepreneurs that will help you get your small business off the ground.

How to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

Visualize your success

No matter what your goal is, you won’t be able to achieve it without understanding what exactly you want. As most writing companies, you should have a clear vision, and you must plan everything. First of all, you should know who you want to become and what success looks like for you. This way, you will be able to avoid a lot of frustration and disappointment, quickly making the necessary adjustments to your plans in order to reach your goals.

Stay determined

Resilience is one of the most important qualities for any entrepreneur. If you’re going to start your business with a limited budget, it means that you should be especially resilient, being ready to withstand tough challenges. If you used to give up when facing unforeseen difficulties, now it’s time to reconsider your overall attitude and develop the determination necessary for achieving your goals. If you don’t see the desired results, you should figure out the reasons why your business isn’t growing and make the necessary improvements. Success is impossible without constant development and improvement.

Trust yourself

Sometimes, you might not be sure about whether or not you should make a certain decision or choose a certain direction. In other words, you may have doubts regarding the validity of your decisions or your expertise. As an entrepreneur, you should trust yourself. Of course, if you’re not sure that you have enough knowledge or experience to make the right decision, you can always talk to an expert in the necessary area and ask for advice. However, you should also trust yourself and embrace your decision-making responsibilities.

Communicate with experts

Modern entrepreneurs can benefit from countless communication opportunities. No matter where you live, you can always connect with experts in any field online. For example, if you need to write impressive marketing content, you can always find experts with the best reputation on custom writing review websites like Best Writers Online, or Writing Judge. Sometimes, a good conversation with an expert can save you a lot of time and provide you with first-hand knowledge that’s difficult to obtain by reading books and guides.

Take risks

Risk-taking is an integral part of every entrepreneur’s life. You may risk your reputation when introducing a new product, and you may also risk your money in different situations, all the time, especially when you’re a beginner. You should keep in mind that you won’t be able to achieve your business goals unless you’re willing to risk so don’t let your fears stop you.

Use your skills

You may have some skills that may look like they have nothing to do with your business. You may also take courses on something that isn’t directly related to your niche. In this case, seek ways to make these skills useful. We suggest that you try to use the skill stacking principle, which implies combining multiple regular abilities to develop a unique combination of skills that will be more valuable.

7 Best Tools for Entrepreneurs

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you should prepare for the fact that you will be dealing with too many tasks while having too little time. Fortunately, there are tons of business administration tools, as well as many other types of software that can help you boost your performance and make the work process as efficient as possible. Here are some of the best tools that will help you succeed.


This is a great project management tool that will help you work with projects, tasks, and dashboards. It can create great opportunities for teamwork and replace conversations with actionable tasks. You can monitor work progress and quickly comment on other people’s actions, with no need to schedule meetings.

HubSpot Email Tracking

This is a great solution that will optimize your workflow and provide you with many valuable insights into your email subscribers’ behavior and preferences. HubSpot email tracking tool enables you to see whether or not the recipients open your emails, how often they do it, and what devices they use. Such a tool can be especially helpful when using cold emailing, testing new email marketing campaigns, or sending newsletters because you can track your recipients’ behavior and learn from it.


If you want to organize your workflow efficiently, Trello is a great tool. You can use different boards for different teams and employees and create cards for tasks. In each card, people who have access to it can leave their comments, add checklists, files, etc. This is a very versatile app that can be used for effective project management, no matter what kind of project you have. It will help you always stay up to date about all of your projects and manage them easily.


This is a simple and convenient app for communication. If you’re dealing with several teams and want to ensure effective communication across all departments and employees, Slack is the best solution. You can create channels dedicated to different topics and private conversations, search messages, receive notifications about all the comments, and share files. In addition, you can sync conversations among different devices and connect this app to Skype or WordPress.

7 Minute Workout

When you’re constantly overwhelmed with all kinds of tasks, you may forget about your health. 7 Minute Workout will help you stay fit, and it will also help you refocus and get a much-needed break. Every workout in this app includes 12 exercises, each of which takes only 30 seconds. For these exercises, you will only need a wall and a chair so this is a perfect solution for the office.


This app will help you if you need advice from an expert. Here you can find professionals from different areas. There’s no need to waste your time reading dozens of blogs — experienced entrepreneurs can answer all of your questions.


Being an entrepreneur means getting tons of emails, and these emails can be very distracting. Thanks to Boomerang, you’ll be able to read your emails at the right time, whenever you decide. This app archives your emails and then puts them back in your inbox at the chosen moment. You can also use this app to schedule your emails and send them later.

Wrapping Up

If you want to start an eCommerce business or try any other kind of entrepreneurship, you should prepare for difficulties. However, difficulties shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals. Even if you have limited resources, you can still make it if you’re determined and ready to take risks. To become a successful entrepreneur, you should deal with many different tasks, but the good news is that there are many helpful apps that can improve your productivity, help you focus, and organize your projects.

Photo by pexels

Autor: Frank Hamilton

More articles from Frank Hamilton you can find here

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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