Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFounderTalkBelieve in yourself

Believe in yourself

Dagsmejan functional sleepwear proven to improve sleep comfort and quality.

Please introduce yourself and your startup Dagsmejan to our readers!

The mission at Dagsmejan is to help people sleep better in a totally natural and sustainable way. With high tech natural fibres and the latest sleep technology our functional sleepwear is scientifically tested and proven to improve sleep comfort and quality.

My name is Catarina Dahlin and I’m one of the co-founders of Dagsmejan. Originally from Sweden I’m now living in Switzerland where I founded Dagsmejan together with my Swiss partner Andreas Lenzhofer.

How did you get the idea of Dagsmejan?

The awareness of the impact of sleep, and of how many people that aren’t sleeping as well as they should be, has increased tremendously the last couple of years. We use sleep trackers and advanced bed systems but don’t think about what’s closest to our skin for a third of our lives, our sleepwear. Inspired by the functional revolution in sleepwear we wanted to bring true functionality and innovation to a sleeping category by designing sleepwear that support a higher sleep quality.

Why did you decide to start with Dagsmejan?

We could see a clear gap in the market and the more we researched and read about the more clear it was that we should expect more functionality from our sleepwear. This triggered us to start an interdisciplinary research project with material scientist  and ergonomic designers in Switzerland and a sleep expert from the Stockholm university. Our aim was to truly understand our physiological sleep needs and how we can support those with our sleepwear.

What is the vision behind Dagsmejan?

The vision at Dagsmejan is to help people sleep better, we consider ourselves a sleep company more than a clothing company. Sleep is something that impacts everyone, all facets of our lives both professionally and personally. By keeping the ideal temperature for sleep we can enjoy a better sleep quality.

How difficult was the start and which challenges you had to overcome?

We took our inspiration from sportswear but wanted to bring the same functionality into natural and sustainable fabrics. This turned out to be much more challenging than expected and we spent 1.5 years in research and development to create a stabile fabric that had the properties we desired.

Who is your target audience?

Everyone sleeps so in that sense everyone is a potential Dagsmejan customer. We notice that we have customers from a wide range, from those looking to solve an existing sleep problem to those wanting optimize their health and wellbeing.

What is the USP of your startup?

We make sleepwear that is designed to meet your individual physiological sleep needs. Sustainable made in Europe using the finest natural fibres our sleepwear is scientifically tested and proven to improve sleep comfort and thereby sleep quality.

Can you describe your typical workday ?

In a start-up the typical workday is a day like no other. Every day there are new opportunities and new challenges. It’s a wild rollercoaster ride of ups and downs but you are guaranteed to never be bored!

Where do you see yourself and your startup Dagsmejan in five years?

We are so proud and happy to read the incredibly positive customer feedback and to hear how Dagsmejan really helps people to sleep better. Our goal is to continue to grow and to offer more and more customers the Dagsmejan experience.

What 3 tips would you give to founders?

  1. Believe in yourself and dare to walk down your own path, to create innovation you need too dare to be different from the rest.
  2. Never give up and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The trick is to make many small mistakes and rapidly learn rather than one a two major ones that can take down your business. Experiment in smaller scale, learn and try again.
  3. Starting a business is marathon not a sprint so make sure that you pace yourself to not lose the joy and the passion. Think about how to make sure you are as motivated 3 years down the line as when you just started your business.

More information you will find here

Thank you Catarina Dahlin for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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