Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFounderTalkFigure out your passion and pursue it with zeal every single day

Figure out your passion and pursue it with zeal every single day

Edulyte Marketplace dynamic ecosystem of educators mentors and learners

Please introduce yourself and your startup Edulyte Marketplace to our readers!

I am Gajendra Jaiswal, currently the CEO and founder of Edulyte Marketplace, an Indian EdTech startup connecting passionate and committed educators with ambitious learners. At the age of 17, I decided to pursue my ambition with more vigour and started working in New Delhi. I kept learning new skills and experimenting in life. In that process, I earned my bachelor’s degree in commerce, Master in Business from QUT in Australia and also achieved the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation from CFA Institute, USA. Edulyte is the umbilical cord connecting those who want to learn but are unable to do so due to inaccessibility of good guidance and economic reasons with resourceful and well qualified mentors eager to take up challenges. Edulyte Marketplace is a vibrant community of educators and learners. We would like to inculcate values which last longer.

How did you get the idea of Edulyte Marketplace?

During my IELTS exam, I had trouble finding an accomplished tutor at an affordable cost. Trust and reliability was another problem.  Throughout my years of pursuing different degrees and certification programs, I saw learners across the country struggling to find quality instructors at affordable prices. It is ironic that at the other end of the spectrum, there are always  talented and hard working individuals ready to share their knowledge. But they are unable to do so as starting something of their own requires huge investments, marketing skills, management skills and many other innumerable resources.

Pursuing my masters in Australia, I got an opportunity to do my project on sharing economy based business models. I was captivated by the concept because it’s a win-win partnership which had been disrupting many industries and held a great promise in the education sector. I combined both and that’s when I decided to start a Marketplace in the online learning space.

Why did you decide to start with Edulyte Marketplace?

There is a famous quote from Henry Ford, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” Learning ecosystem in India has been highly fragmented. Recently, Covid-19 pandemic has impacted both learners and educators in an unprecedented way. We know that recorded lectures are not sufficient, learners need personalised attention and guidance to succeed in a highly competitive world. We wanted to connect our brilliant educators with ambitious and hardworking students across the country, that’s when we decided to start Edulyte Marketplace.

What is the vision behind Edulyte Marketplace?

We have a multi pronged strategy which is based on our values. Edulyte Marketplace wants to be a dynamic ecosystem that intends to evolve with mentors and the learners. Diversity and inclusion is our foremost priority and we minted to create a great place to work for everyone who wants to be a part of our family. Education holds the future and we intend to provide the educators with the value and remuneration they deserve.

Our business model intends to be fruitful for all who are involved with it. Since the Fourth Industrial Revolution is being driven by technology, it forms the core of all our endeavours. Education Anytime, Anywhere is our mantra and we are on the path to democratise it and make it available for anyone with the craving to learn. Our mission is to make our company synonymous with a world class facility. So all our aims, our objectives are directed towards achieving that holy grail.

How difficult was the start and which challenges you had to overcome?

As you can expect it was not an easy challenge to start this company. The biggest challenge was to get the founding team members who align with the vision and mission of Edulyte Marketplace. My aim was to find the best fit and not the perfect team members as nothing is perfect in this world. The search for a co-founding team started a few months before we incorporated the company. One person cannot build a world class company. Building my team was the first priority. We spent countless hours brainstorming IT, operations, marketing, talent, funding and so on. I am delighted to see the idea taking shape, in fact, we found some great educators who are well aligned with our vision and mission.

Who is your target audience?

We are developing an ecosystem where learning never stops. Our target audience is learners of all ages, willing to learn as we have educators from different backgrounds and experiences to help them achieve their goals. Be it candidates wanting to attempt professional exams like CFA, CA or competitive exams like CAT and GMAT, we offer an immersive learning experience for everyone.

What is the USP of your startup?

Our USP is our community of wonderful and highly qualified educators who believe in our mission and are ready to go the extra mile in assisting students achieve their goals. We don’t want to overpromise and underdeliver and believe that if we give value to our students they will spread the word.

Can you describe your typical workday?

I start my day by making a list of high priority tasks that I would like to accomplish. My team and I set targets to be achieved per day. We consult and guide each other in fulfilling our commitments.This helps me stay focused and disciplined. All our team members currently work from home. We all are in touch the entire day regarding our work. 

Where do you see yourself and your startup Edulyte Marketplace in five years?

I see us as a well developed education entity where millions of learners can reach their full potential. Along with being a great place to work, we are expanding into developing some in house technologies which would make learning fun, stress free more personalised and interactive.

What 3 tips would you give to founders?

With this venture I have truly realised that learning never stops. So always be open to  imbibing new ideas and techniques. Figure out your passion and pursue it with zeal every single day. Challenges bog you down and that’s ok as they are the greatest teachers. Be fearless to pursue your goal as nothing can stop you then.

Never forget that it is the team with which you work that sustains your vision everyday. So invest in your team. Be patient with them. Encourage them. It will help you in the long run.

Stress on Quality. Always. Nothing wins over appreciation and support like quality. It is what will set you apart from your contemporaries and competitors.

Thank you Gajendra Jaiswal for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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