Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFounderTalkMake short distance, but specific plans

Make short distance, but specific plans

Everyword Translations, a translation agency established in Spain

Please introduce yourself and your startup Everyword to our readers!

I am Francisco Peña and I’m CEO and Founder of Everyword Translations, a translation agency established in Spain. I hold a bachelor’s degree from Cordoba University of Electronic Engineer where I graduated with honors. And I partly completed my studies in Poland, where I did the final project of my studies.  Before undertaking the project of Everyword Translations, I´ve been working as Project Manager in a Technology company in Germany and as IT analyst in Poland. These experiences working abroad in several international companies have brought to my a large knowledge of how all the processes underlying in a very successful company are being implemented.

 Everyword is formed by a group of professional translators, specialized in different fields of expertise and project managers who control each process from the very beginning to the end. We struggle everyday for adding value to the company, implementing and creating new processes in order to provide an excellent customer experience. From my own personal experience working in several countries , I easily and rapidly understood the need of many professionals nowadays of taking the language’s challenge to a more efficient way. 

How did you get the idea of Everyword?

I wouldn’t say it was a fact of a simple idea that came to me from one day to another , actually it was a result of a more natural process since i had previous experience working as freelance translator and web developer. It didnt taket oo much for me to recognize that his business sector needed  a company willing to simplify the process in order to make it easier for customer to get their translations done in a reliable and economic way.

Why did you decide to start with Everyword?

Everyword was born from passion for translation. After many years of study and professional activity as a freelance translator as well, we decided to increase our scope and to offer services in all languages. With a previous experience as web developer, it came naturally the way we approached the project from the very beginning, using a modern website to offer our services to potential customers.

Nowadays, in this highly connected world we live, the need of professional and sworn translations has been incremented exponentially every day, therefore, we found a growing market that needs new ideas and a compromise with innovation.

How difficult was the start and which challenges you had to overcome?

Founding a translation agency was quite challenging due to a huge responsibility and obstacles to overcome, such us the search for a personnel, a perfect location, etc. But it’s always worth to give it a try and fulfill one’s dreams. It gave me a new vision of business and I developed personally in terms of leadership and professional experience. 

Everyword, as a company, was always built driven by a Lean philosophy. We have sought from our first steps to implement all our ideas step by step, receiving natural and rapid feedback from our customers. It pretty much helped us to grow in a very strong way in this business area and getting to know better our customer’s needs.

Who is your target audience?

The target audience of Everyword is both national and international companies and individual clients.  We carry out simple and sworn translations, that’s why our audience is considerably wide. Currently we are working in 15 countries in Europe, however our goal for the end of this year is to open our first office in Latino America.

What is the USP of your startup?

Everyword distinguishes by a close relation with the client, wide offerings and professional solutions. We believe in a sincere contact so that we can personalize each project and deliver the best quality. We collaborate with translators from all over the world which makes us an international company.

The vision behind Everyword Translations is to create a large group of reliable translators who work with passion to provide the best quality service. At Everyword we treat each project individually and we believe in the spirit of communication which allows us to have under control all the stages of the translation process. We pay attention to every detail and provide professional solutions

One of our key values is trying to minimize all the superfluous expenses in order to get very attractive and competitive prices for our customers. From my experience as engineer, I’ve always tried to implement an efficient workflow that can lead to our agency to offer  lower prices maintaining a high level of quality. 

Can you describe your typical workday?

My typical workday is quite busy, so let’s start from a cup of coffee. Once I am ready, I start my work at the office at 8:30. Firstly I check all the messages from the previous night, there use to be some. I create all the tasks for the marketing team, project managers and so on. My personal task is to control all the workflows, assign tasks and apply changes. Each day is different, my job is extremely dynamic and there is always something do. One time a week we organize a meeting to talk about all the problems encountered in order to find solutions. We try to develop and grow bigger each day. 

Where do you see yourself and your startup Everyword in five years?

I believe that in 5 years Everyword will be a big and important international translation agency. That’s our aim and I think it’s really possible to achieve. We’ve already made plans for some significant changes that will help us grow bigger. Step by step, I’m sure we’ll achieve our goals.

What 3 tips would you give to other founders?

  1. Make short distance, but specific plans. It’s OK to look far into the future in general terms, but I think it’s better to concentrate at the present and the best future will come as the fruit of your effort.
  2. Request and pay attention to the feedback, accept the criticism and try to eliminate the errors. We’re all humans and we do fail, but it’s critical to learn from our failures.
  3. Don’t give up! May seem simple and obvious, but it’s true. If the first time everything seems to fail, give it another chance! If you don’t try, you won’t know!

More information you will find here

Thank you Francisco Peña for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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