Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Invest in networking

Her impact – one-stop shop for women’s career development

Please introduce yourself and your startup Her Impact to our readers!

My name is Magdalena Linke-Koszek and I am CEO and Founder of Her impact – one-stop shop for women’s career development. Her impact is a web app that helps women learn, inspire and succeed in their career paths.

How did you get the idea of Her Impact?

I used to work in legal companies and in diplomacy. It was in European Parliament when I first discovered this topic and I got interested in networking and discussion groups. It was then that I thought it could work in Poland too. I wanted to gather women together to network, discuss, inspire and to have an honest conversation. Soon after that I decided to add the whole e-learning and career-related modules to Her impact. Now, the product is complete and ready to give as much as possible for women.

Why did you decide to start with Her Impact?

I am aware that there is a lot to do with the position and representation of women in business. Currently we have inequality, glass ceilings and other problems. If we do nothing, next generations will come and feel the same. I wanted the change and decided to start by doing Her impact.

What is the vision behind Her Impact?

Her impact is a one-stop shop for women’s career development. It is designed to help both women entrepreneurs and employees. As a digital product we offer e-learning, mentoring, job offers and career advice 24/7. Moreover, it is a community platform which means that users are the most important for us and we value networking above everything.

How difficult was the start and which challenges you had to overcome?

We launched the beta version of Her impact in March 2020. It was the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic and we faced lots of problems. Especially with partners it was hard to get anyone. We decided to build a community and launch a product for free. It was the best idea because soon we got more than 35 000 users and we built a well-known brand.

Who is your target audience?

Women aged 25-34. We welcome all industries because we have an e-learning platform built on skills, not industries. We believe those skills we develop (such as personal branding, public speaking, time management to name a few) are the most important in our careers, no matter where we work.

What is the USP of your startup?

We are the first digital one-stop shop for career development. You can log in and use Her impact whenever and wherever you want. And you find there everything you need in order to succeed in your career.

Can you describe your typical workday ?

Every morning I get to take my baby to the nursery and then I drive to our HerQuarter in the city center. I have meetings, calls and spend almost all day long in the office. In the evening I like to do a workout (I love horse riding), meet with friends or spend time with my family. I am a rather busy person but I love being surrounded by people.

Where do you see yourself and your startup Her Impact in five years?

We plan to be present in many countries in the EU and in the East. I would like more women to become part of our supportive community and succeed (whatever it means for them). Personally, I see myself proud that the idea I got a few years ago, was truly a bull’s-eye. And maybe in five years, I will have a chance to become a pretty good horse rider

What 3 tips would you give to founders?

To be flexible and ready for frequent changes, be nice for everyone and invest in networking – this gives you opportunities that further on can become truly important.

Thank you Magdalena Linke-Koszek for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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