Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeFounderTalkKnowledge is the power to do so successfully

Knowledge is the power to do so successfully

Klippa digitizing and automating document streams for companies around the world.

Why don’t you briefly introduce yourself and Startup Klippa to our readers?

My name is Yeelen Knegtering, and I’m one of the co-founders and CEO of Klippa. I am passionate about developing digital products that help people to save time on administrative hassle and spend time on the things they love. I started Klippa with the idea that there had to be a better way to organize and manage receipts. Now, Klippa is a document digitization company with a focus on digitizing and automating document streams for companies around the world.

Why did you decide to start a company?

We personally encountered the frustration of large amounts of paperwork that had to be manually processed, limiting our productivity. Therefore we decided to do something about it and free up time from people all around the world, so they can spend this time on important or fun stuff instead!

What is the vision behind Klippa?

Time is one of the most valuable assets people hold. Therefore it should be spent on important things and not on things that are repetitive and only slightly value adding.

From idea to launch, what have been the biggest challenges so far and how did you finance yourself?

In the early days of Klippa we operated very bootstrapped. We still are very cost effective, but Klippa nowadays has support from entrepreneurial investors to help grow faster.

Who is Klippa’s target audience?

Klippa helps companies that process documents for administrative purposes in high volumes. This can be financial documents, identity documents, logistics documents and many more types of documents. We automate tasks such as sorting, data entry, controls and verifications.

What differentiates you from other providers?

Klippa is focussed on high volume processing. Therefore we offer a very fast and scalable infrastructure. Next to that, we have a broad support for different document types, allowing us to be a one-stop shop for larger companies.

Klippa, where is it headed? Where do you see yourself in five years?

Klippa has the ambition to be the biggest automated document processor in Europe, with respect for people and nature. We do so by continuing our >100% year on year growth path, while operating CO2-neutral.

In conclusion: What 3 tips would you give to aspiring founders?

Persistence is the most important characteristic. Never give up!

Be flexible. While being persistent, be flexible enough to try different approaches.

Always keep learning. During your entrepreneurial journey you have to reinvent yourself and your company many times over, knowledge is the power to do so successfully. 

Thank you Yeelen Knegtering for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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