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HomeFemale EntrepreneursStart Before You are Ready

Start Before You are Ready

Studio Romeo a brand of ecofriendly baby carriers super easy to use

Why don’t you briefly introduce yourself and Startup Studio Romeo to our readers?

My name is Jeanne, I am a French mom living in Annecy – French Alps with my husband and 2 kids : Romeo, 8 yo and Louise, 6yo. I launched Studio Romeo a few years ago, it’s a brand of ecofriendly baby carriers super easy to use.

Why did you decide to start a business?

I had the idea of ​​creating this brand when my son Romeo was born. That was when I found that none of the alternatives to strollers were exactly practical. The choice was limited to bulky baby carriers and slings over 5m long that I just got tangled up in… Living on the 3rd floor without a lift, that soon needed to accommodate 2 young children, I dreamed of a more practical solution than what existed then. My second pregnancy was the trigger to develop this concept of two bands that slip either side of the shoulders, without knots or straps, and containing no chemicals, as a solution that combined comfort and safety for our babies.

What was the biggest challenge in founding Studio Romeo?

The biggest challenge was the fact that I had 2 young kids, including a newborn born the same month as I launched our website : May 2015!

Can you start with an idea when everything is not perfect yet?

Yes and I would say you should even Start Before You’re Ready because the perfect time does not exist! I love this quote from Mike Horn “To start moving, you just need to have 5% of the answers to your questions, the other 95% come along the way. Those who want 100% of the answers to start moving remain stuck”.

Just because you are not 100% ready, it doesn’t mean that you are not able to do it. 

I started Studio Romeo because I had this idea, this feeling that this baby carrier was really great, useful and so practical for me. I loved it and used it with my own kids. And I deeply knew it would help other parents too… so I started small, on my own, with my own resources, and then word of mouth has helped me to develop

What is the vision behind Studio Romeo?

Our brand strapline is ‘Motherhood is our muse’ and we want to share a positive and poetic vision of motherhood. Without a doubt, motherhood is able to give us incredible mental, physical and spiritual strength. It is a real source of inspiration and motivation for me : I want to highlight the beauty of parenthood – its magic, the unconditional love with a capital L, joy and life in general! 

Who is Studio Romeo’s target audience?

Parents are our main target audience. It includes different segments as parenting comes in many forms: single parents, dual-income, heterosexual parents, LBGTQ+ parents, foster parents. New parents, young parents, future parents, pregnant moms… Usually 25 35 year old and living in town. 

What sets you apart from other providers?

Going green was really important for me, so we design 100% organic and eco-friendly products for a simple and fair everyday life. To leave behind a better world for my / our / your children. I also wanted to avoid materials that increase pollution and that’s why all our product and packaging are all plastic free. 

We are ecofriendly but also very creative and our poetic vision enables us to propose regularly limited editions with prints and patterns you can’t find somewhere else!

Studio Romeo, where do you want to go? Where do you see yourself in five years?

It’s already been 6 years since I started Studio Romeo, but I’d say that my goal in five years is to build a sustainable company. One of my longer-term career goals is to build a great team with great people. So in the next five years, I look forward to continuing to build my communication and management skills, and continuing to develop Studio Romeo, facing new challenges and enjoying new opportunities.

In conclusion: What 3 tips would you give to aspiring female founders?

Well to start a business as a woman, the most important weapon in your hands should be your confidence. You’re almost there if you believe you can do it. Entrepreneurship does not follow any rigid structure and looks more like a staircase. So first of all, remember It Takes Time, so be patient and Have Confidence in Yourself and your idea. Then, I would add :

Connect With Other (Female) Entrepreneurs and Get Your Brand in Front of Your Audience

Start Before You’re Ready

Be Tenacious

Thank you  Jeanne Dieuzaide for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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