Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeFounderTalkLook for people supporting you and your idea

Look for people supporting you and your idea

DigiWhat B2B Case Studies story creation and communication

Please introduce yourself and your startup DigiWhat to our readers!

My name is Claudia Heim and I am the founder of DigiWhat. We concentrate on B2B Case Studies, as they are an established and perfect format for innovations to be shared, helping to facilitate connections, build trust and sell products. At DigiWhat, we provide smart technology to create high-quality Case Studies in a convenient and enjoyable way. Following a standardized structure, they are also filterable and comparable, which is a big advantage for any kind of network that curates several solutions and partners.

How did you get the idea of DigiWhat?

I was working at Oracle, consulting customers on some of their cloud solutions. PaaS services offer a quite wide range of how to use them. So, more and more customers came up with the question: “I have this and that problem and am considering using some of your services. Have you done a project like this before?” So, I recognized, that tech sales changes completely. It is not one product for one problem – it is the expertise in solving an individual problem that is key. Case Studies are exactly the format, a company can communicate that.

Why did you decide to start with DigiWhat?

I always told my friends – somewhen I will start my own business. Suddenly there was the idea and this was the moment for now or never.

What is the vision behind DigiWhat?

Our vision is to lead the way in success story creation and communication amongst the digital community and their networks. Companies are aware of digitalization; they want to move on. At the same time, there is an amazing number of new solutions and it is very hard to find the best match in this complex landscape. With DigiWhat we will speed up innovation by enabling the right matches.

How difficult was the start and which challenges you had to overcome?

My experience in sales helped me a lot and made things easier. My biggest challenge was to turn from a corporate person to an entrepreneurial mindset. I was very careful in investing money and I built up a perfect infrastructure before starting to really work on the product. Now I profit from this, but it cost me time to market and next time I would do it the other way round.

Who is your target audience?

We have four different target audiences: B2B events, single tech companies, ecosystems, and tech scouting departments. Basically everywhere, where there is a need to showcase solutions and to enable connections.

What is the USP of your startup?

We are the first company offering a standardized, scalable, and partly automated solution for b2b Case Studies.

Can you describe your typical workday?

Hm- actually there is no typical workday. It is more about periods. As a start-up, you always push things forward. You have a week where you figure out how you can go on with your social media strategy, another you just focus on a single feature of your product, talk to customers and developers, the next you spend on legal, and the week after you work on the right messaging in your presentations. So, some days are very quiet and focused on research, reading, and thinking, others are packed with 10+ meetings and discussions. And always in between selling and talking to new customers.

Where do you see yourself and your startup DigiWhat in five years?

In five years, I want DigiWhat to be the standard tool for events, communities, other ecosystems to enable efficient matchmaking and for marketers how they create their Case Studies. For me this is not the final step – I have a “backlog” in my mind for DigiWhat that lasts for ten years and more.

What 3 tips would you give to founders?

If you think about founding – do so, it doesn´t hurt and it will be the journey of your life.

Look for people supporting you and your idea (doesn´t mean money).

Last but not least: Never give up!

Thank you Claudia Heim for the Interview

Statements of the author and the interviewee do not necessarily represent the editors and the publisher opinion again.

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